
Free Skirt with Overlap Sewing Pattern

free skirt with overlap sewing pattern
It looks odd because it's
a quarter scale model
(and that's the story I'm
sticking to...)
The second sewing pattern, which, again, took way longer than it should have...
I thought this was going to be easy, I mean, it's a skirt, how hard can it be? But then I decided I wanted it fully lined, oh, and with as little hand-sewing as possible, and, hmm, those seams really need to be pressed open to prevent excessive bulk, but that flap makes that rather tricky...
So it took some doing, but I think I managed to meet all my criteria (whether it meets YOURS is most likely a whole nother story...).
free skirt with overlap sewing pattern

You can find all the details (size, length, etc.) in the sewing instructions,there is also a pattern layout page for all sizes, and of course the PDF patterns.
The size range is limited to the four "most common", but I'd be more than happy to make "uncommon" sizes, if that's what most of you are interested in :) 
So if that's the case, please let me know in the comments. The same applies to questions, suggestions, problems with either the patterns or the sewing, or whatever else you would like to share, so don't be shy ;)

free skirt with overlap sewing pattern
Fully lined
Again a big thank you to Kathleen Fasanella of Fashion Incubator, for her wonderful centered zip method. If you find video easier to understand than pictures, you may be interested in FD 50 - Basic Apparel Construction Lesson 5 - Basic Seams and Zippers Part 3 by West Valley College.
Since the video is over an hour long I'll give you the time frames that show how to attach the facing to the zip:

  • 19:10 start
  • 22:10 sewing facing to zip
  • 24:15 folding zipper coil inside and sewing waist (25:55 folding other zipper coil)
  • 28:50 end
If you have some time to spare I highly recommend watching all their sewing videos, they have four playlists related to sewing. 
I just love watching people sew without pins :)
free skirt with overlap sewing pattern
Skirt with overlap, front and back
 Please click the "Read more" link for the PDF patterns and the sewing instructions.

Skirt size 36
Skirt size 38
Skirt size 40
Skirt size 42
free skirt with overlap sewing pattern
Sewing instructions, page 1/5
free skirt with overlap sewing pattern
Skirt pattern layouts

free skirt with overlap sewing pattern
Sewing instructions, page 2/5
free skirt with overlap sewing pattern
Sewing instructions, page 3/5

free skirt with overlap sewing pattern
Sewing instructions, page 4/5

free skirt with overlap sewing pattern
Sewing instructions, page 5/5

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