

Quilt Block 10: Pattern and Template

This block is a variation on Quilt Block 9, which is also the reason why I haven't added a picture of the assembly. Well, that and because I wasn't sure how to assemble it to begin with...
As always, click any image to enlarge and have fun :)
Oh, I went a bit overboard again with the variations, but you can watch those after the jump.
free quilt block pattern and template
Quilt block 10
free quilt block pattern and template
Quilt block 10, blank

free quilt block pattern and template
Quilt top version 1
free quilt block pattern and template
Quilt top version 2

free quilt block pattern and template
Quilt top version 3
free quilt block pattern and template
Quilt top version 4

free quilt block pattern and template
Quilt top version 5

free quilt block pattern and template
Quilt block variation
free quilt block pattern and template
Quilt top, block variation,
version 1

free quilt block pattern and template
Template for English
paper piecing,
page 1
free quilt block pattern and template
Template for English
paper piecing,
page 2

free quilt block pattern and template
Template for fabric cutting,
with 5mm seam allowance

free quilt block pattern and template
free quilt block pattern and template

free quilt block pattern and template
free quilt block pattern and template

free quilt block pattern and template
free quilt block pattern and template

free quilt block pattern and template

free quilt block pattern and template
free quilt block pattern and template


  1. This whole series is amazing, but this block is especially striking! And I love seeing the variations you come up with, it's amazing how one block can look so different! I've never tried paper piecing, but this really makes me want to try ;)

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words :)
      I'd like to take credit for those variations, but they really just seem to make themselves lol.
      Please let me know how you get on if you decide to have a go at paper piecing, I'd love to see your results :)

  2. Gorgeous their blocks, thank you for providing for us.
    I'm fascinated by the EPP, you do beautiful work.

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words, Margot, and welcome to the blog!
      I hope you'll enjoy using the patterns :)
      With kindest regards, C.J.

  3. really nice I was wondering do we enlarge the patterns 50% or 100%

    1. Hi,

      No need to enlarge them, they can be printed at their actual size (is 100%, I think)

      I hope you'll enjoy making them :)


  4. HI CJ, very interested in these blocks. Thanks for taking the time.Am starting this month. Denise in Sydney

    1. Hi Denise,

      I'm glad you like them, feel free to send a picture of the end result :)

      Sorry about the late reply, technical problems... (see latest post for info)

      Kind regards,

  5. New to quilting, and you've really inspired me to do paper peicing!!

    1. So sorry for not replying earlier, I unfortunately never received a notification by email, it was rather a coincidence I came across your comment!
      I'm so glad the design inspired you, I hope you've been enjoying paper piecing, or any type of quilting for that matter? :)
      Kindest regards,
