
Beading: Peyote Stitch Pattern 32

Please click images to enlarge.
Have fun :)
free peyote stitch beading pattern
Colour version 1
free peyote stitch beading pattern
Colour version 2

free peyote stitch beading pattern
Colour version 3
free peyote stitch beading pattern
Colour version 4

free peyote stitch beading pattern
Colour version 5

free peyote stitch beading pattern
What the pattern looks like after a few repeats


  1. Hi C.J

    I absolutely love your blog and particularly your peyote patterns. I was wondering what your terms of use were for your patterns. I have an Etsy shop and I would love to make some of these perhaps with a view to selling them. Is that allowed? I would of course acknowledge you as the designer and would be happy include a link to your blog. Items made would be handmade by me so any production would be very small scale.

    Thank you for making these beautiful patterns and rest assured I would only use them with your permission


    1. Hi Emily,
      Thank you for your kind words, I'm incredibly flattered!
      I'm totally fine with these beading patterns being used to make sellable items, especially with the acknowledge and link thingies you mentioned :)
      I'd love to see the endresult, so feel free to drop me a line with the link to your Etsy shop once they're finished.
      I could also make a post of your work with a link to your shop, if you'd like?
      I don't have a massive number of visitors, but all you'd need are the right ones, right? ;)
      Thank you again, and I hope they'll do well for you,
      with kind regards,

  2. Thank you CJ. I suspect it will be a little while before I have some ready to sell, I think this might be winter project for the dark evenings here in the UK. I will let you know though when I do have something ready. In the meantime I will continue you visit you blog. I haven't done blackwork in years but seeing your beautiful patterns has inspired me to take it up again. I am going to need more hours in the day! :-)

    1. You're welcome Emily :)
      Good luck with finding the time for it all, I know just how you feel... ;D

  3. What program/app are you using to make these patterns C.J. just curious. I've been printing peyote stitch graph paper and coloring in my own custom patterns for years and always wondered if there was a program/app to make it easier. If you don't want to say, can you at least point me in the right direction? Please and thank you...

    1. You might want to look at bead tool (www.beadtool.net). I'm not sure if that's what she uses, but it does a variety of stitches and patterns. There is a free version to try - but if you want to save your patterns, you need to purchase a license.

    2. Hi,

      I wish I could have replied sooner, it must seem like I don't want to share lol. The software I used is called Easy Bead Patterns, and it's completely free! You can find the link in my latest post (I don't remember how to add a link to a comment...)

      I hope you'll give the software a try, it's quite easy to use. Well, if I can use it, anyone can lol

      With kind regards,

  4. I love the bead tool, except one must be careful with knowing how a particular bead will look in real life...can't really count on bead tool to show proper reflectivity or color, not his fault though.

  5. Just found this blog, made a bracelet with this pattern and another pattern and they are gorgeous! Thank you so much!

    1. That's wonderful, I'm so glad you're happy with the end result :)
      If you ever post a picture of them online, feel free to send me the link, I would love to see them!
      With kindest regards,

  6. I read you use the software Easy Beading Patterns, is that an app or a website

    1. Hi,
      It seems the website is no longer available, but if you google "easybeadpatterns download", there are several websites where you can download the software (I think it's only for Windows and Mac).
      From what I read in some of the comments there though, it doesn't appear to work for everyone :(
      I hope you'll have better luck :)
