

Ear Candy: The Emperor's Edge (free audiobooks)

Cover for 'The Emperor's Edge (a high fantasy novel in an era of steam)'I feel it only fair to warn you: there are only three books of this series available as audiobooks...
Which, frankly, is quite awful, since these stories have everything I could ask for in a book; amazing characters, witty dialogue, adventure, drama (but not the soppy kind...), romance and to top it off, an incredibly gifted narrator. 
This series has basically ruined me for all other books...
I can only hope the author will decide to release all titles as audiobooks (petition, anyone?), otherwise I will have to buy the other ones and find someone willing to read them to me...

The Emperor's Edge series by Lindsay Buroker (on Podiobooks)
For all available titles in this series (and other fantasy novels), please click here

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