

Blackwork Embroidery: Tiny Motif/Fill Pattern

Made using Inkscape
Please click images to enlarge
Have fun :)
free blackwork embroidery motif and fill patterns
Motif pattern
9x9 stitches
free blackwork embroidery motif and fill patterns
Fill pattern 1

free blackwork embroidery motif and fill patterns
Fill pattern 2

free blackwork embroidery motif and fill patterns
Fill pattern 3
free blackwork embroidery motif and fill patterns
Fill pattern 4

free blackwork embroidery motif and fill patterns
Fill pattern 5


  1. Like sunflowers!

    How easy do you find Inkscape for designing patterns?

    1. Hello, and welcome to the blog :)
      First off: thank you so much for all your kind comments, you practically made me blush!
      About Inkscape: when I got started it was all a bit overwhelming, but once I knew what did what (although I still have an awful lot to learn...) it was pretty easy to make patterns with.
      Especially blackwork patterns, just use the grid view and "snap to grid" and the pattern almost makes itself lol
      Have you used Inkscape at all?
