

Ear Candy: Shadow Magic Series (Audiobooks)

Recently I discovered a site called Podiobooks, a treasure trove of ear candy in the form of free audiobooks!
One of the first books I listened to was "Shadow Magic" by John Lenahan, and I loved it.
I don't really like spoilers myself, so I won't tell you any more than that it's a fantasy novel, funny and for listeners of 12 years old and up. 
The sequel to "Shadow Magic" is called "The Prince of Hazel and Oak", which is equally good. There is also a third book in the series, called "Sons of Macha", but so far this one hasn't been turned into an audiobook (yet?).
I intend to buy the trilogy as a gift for someone, but if the last book isn't released on Podiobooks, I'll have to read it myself before wrapping it up in pretty paper...

I'll be posting more audiobook titles, but only the ones I really enjoyed. Perhaps in this small way it can help their authors reach a larger audience, so if you enjoy these books as well, I hope you'll let others know about them?
Have fun listening :)

Shadow Magic, book 1
The Prince of Hazel and Oak, book 2