

Do You Like Craft Gossip?

Then I hope you'll consider giving them a virtual hand.
For some strange reason Google sees them as a spam site, which of course they aren't, but Craft Gossip is losing potential visitors because of it.
I'm not affiliated with Craft Gossip, nor do I get paid by them, or anything like that, but for the last four years or so, it has been the only craft-related site I visit on a daily basis.
They have also been kind enough to feature this blog quite a few times, so I see this as a perfect opportunity to do something in return :)
If you would like to find out more, and how to help (it's really simple, I promise), then please click this link to go to Craft Gossip now.
Thank you for your time, and don't worry, the next post will be a pattern of some sort again... ;)


  1. It would help, too, if people who subscribe to CraftGossip would identify it as Not Spam.

    1. Good suggestion, I don't subscribe (I just Google...), so I wasn't aware of that option.
      Thanks :)
