

Free Hand Embroidery: Simple Flower Patterns

Have fun :)
Please click any image to enlarge
free hand embroidery simple flower patterns
Pattern 1
free hand embroidery simple flower patterns
Pattern 2

free hand embroidery simple flower patterns
Pattern 3
free hand embroidery simple flower patterns
And pattern 4


  1. Very pretty! I really like #1 and #4 :)

    1. Thanks! Pattern 4 is my favourite :)

  2. Lovely blog. I am from India and I've become your fan.

    Similar to Spanish blackwork , we have "Kasuti" a traditional form of embroidery practiced in Karnataka,a Southern state of India which as times is so very intricate that it involves putting thousands of stitches by hand...if done on a large piece of cloth like the "sarees" a traditional dress of my country.


    1. Thank you, Malathi, and welcome to the blog :)
      I just googled "Kasuti" (I hadn't heard of it before, sorry) and it looks wonderful, especially the sarees! It's funny, but I never even thought of using blackwork on clothes, but seeing these sarees it's definitely an idea worth exploring. Thank you for sharing the information :)

  3. These are cool. Thanks so much. I looked but couldn't find your terms of use anywhere. Your patterns are really neat and I'd like to know if we can use them in other ways except embroidery. I'd love to take one of your patterns and turn it into a scrapbook paper but need to make sure that a) you allow this and b) that I'd be able to offer this as a freebie on my blog (crediting you of course and providing a link back). I'm subscribing to your comments by email so if you reply to this comment I'll get the reply. I'd have liked to have sent you a private email but didn't see an address for you.

    Lisa D.

    1. Hi Lisa,
      I don't really have any terms of use, I guess I wouldn't like it much if some big company used them to make money with, but I seriously doubt that will ever happen lol.
      Feel free to use them in other ways, in fact I would encourage anyone to not feel limited by what the post title says the patterns are for! If you can use them in any other kind of craft; just go for it :)
      I would love to see the results, but don't feel you HAVE to share them if you'd rather not, I'm really not that fussy. I think it might inspire others to use the patterns in different ways though ;)
      Thank you for taking the time to ask "permission", I hope you'll enjoy using my patterns :)
      With kind regards,
