

Quilt Block 14: Pattern and Template

More variations after the jump, please click images to enlarge and have fun :)

free quilt block pattern and template
Quilt block 14
finished block 30 cm high
free quilt block pattern and template
Quilt block, blank

free quilt block pattern and template
Possible order of assembly

free quilt block pattern and template
Quilt top version 1

free quilt block pattern and template
Template for English
paper piecing
please print 3 times
for one block
free quilt block pattern and template
Template for fabric cutting
with 5mm seam allowance

free quilt block pattern and template
Quilt top version 2
blocks around central block are rotated to match up colours

free quilt block pattern and template
Block variation 1
free quilt block pattern and template

free quilt block pattern and template
Block variation 2
free quilt block pattern and template

free quilt block pattern and template

free quilt block pattern and template
Block variation 3
free quilt block pattern and template

free quilt block pattern and template
Block variation 4
free quilt block pattern and template

free quilt block pattern and template

free quilt block pattern and template
Block variation 5
free quilt block pattern and template


  1. are these foundation pieced?

    1. Hi Wendy, they were designed with English paper piecing or hand piecing in mind, but I'm guessing they could also be foundation pieced.
      The problem is that I've never done that and, though I have a (very!) basic understanding of this technique, wouldn't be able to number the parts of the pattern in the right order.
      I'd be more than happy to post the blank quilt block patterns at the right size though, for anyone who doesn't mind figuring out for themselves how to sew the fabric to the foundation pattern.
      In fact, I think I will do just that :)

  2. I would love you to email me the blocks so I could have a go at them please. Thankyou so much. These are beautiful and very different.

    1. Hi Chris,
      thank you for your interest :)
      The pattern templates are supposed to print out at the right size, but something seems to have gone wrong. I'll try to correct it as soon as possible and leave a new reply here when I have.
      With kindest regards,

    2. Hi Chris,
      the problem is fixed! :) Nothing I can take credit for though lol, if you right click on the pattern templates and choose the "open link on new page" (or the equivalent in other browsers), it should give you the proper size, most likely with a magnifying glass, or something of that nature. Then you can either print it straight away or copy it to your computer.
      I used the "open image on new page", and this usually has the same effect, but strangely enough not on these particular pictures (and a few other quilt block patterns as well, I noticed).
      I hope you'll be able to print the patterns now, if you have any more problems with it, please feel free to let me know :)
      With kindest regards,

  3. what a great website to discover. Tankyou for your time

    1. Thank you, and you're welcome :)
      (Apologies for the late reply)
