

My First Friendship Bracelets

I used to think these bracelets were really complicated to make: how wrong was I?!
Figuring mercerised cotton would be easier to start with than embroidery floss I pulled out some skeins and started knotting, using the tutorials and patterns I found on a site called Friendship-Bracelets.

friendship bracelets
My first friendship bracelets ever...
I like working with the mercerised cotton so much, I doubt I'll be switching to embroidery floss. It's slightly thicker so a bracelet is finished quicker and with about 125 metres a skein to only 8 metres per skein of embroidery floss it's relatively cheap, so it's no big deal if you mess up a bracelet (or two). Not that I'd know from experience of course...
The only drawback using mercerised cotton could be that it seems to get fuzzy after you've been knotting for a while. Although that might depend on the quality of your cotton: I also made a bracelet using a different kind (one I remember being more expensive) and it stayed smooth from start to finish.
These bracelets have made me want to try and make my own patterns. Now that IS complicated... ;)

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