

Blackwork Braided Patterns

Have fun :)
Please click images to enlarge

free blackwork braided pattern

braided free blackwork pattern

free blackwork braided pattern
21 "embellishments" for the Braided Patterns


Blackwork Woven Patterns

Enjoy :)
Please click images to enlarge

free blackwork woven fill pattern

woven free blackwork pattern

woven free blackwork pattern

free blackwork woven pattern

free blackwork woven pattern

free blackwork woven fill pattern


More Blackwork Patterns

Have fun with these :)
Please click images to enlarge

free blackwork fill pattern

free blackwork pattern

free blackwork fill patternfree blackwork fill pattern

free blackwork fill pattern


Blackwork Embroidery Patterns

I saw some lovely biscornu patterns, done in blackwork, which made me decide to try and make some patterns myself. Now, these are absolutely tiny, no bigger than 10x10 stitches each. So in order to make something substantial with one you will need to repeat it quite a few times...
But a teensy pincushion that only has room for one needle might be cute too ;)
Enjoy :)
Please click pictures to enlarge

free blackwork patterns
Blackwork patterns 1,2,3

free blackwork patterns
Blackwork patterns 4,5,6

free blackwork patterns
Blackwork patterns 7,8,9


Cross Stitch Pattern for Pincushion or Biscornu

This pattern is based on Tile Pattern Eight, have fun with it :)
Please click images to enlarge

pincushion biscornu free cross stitch pattern
Pincushion pattern, 86x86 stitches

biscornu pincushion free cross stitch pattern
No need to stick to one single colour :)

pincushion biscornu free cross stitch pattern
1/4 pattern


Cross Stitch Pear Pattern

More fruit, have fun :)
Please click images to enlarge

pear free cross stitch pattern
Two pears. Well, one and a half...
pear free cross stitch pattern
Whole Pear Pattern
half a pear free cross stitch pattern
Half a Pear Pattern


Cross Stitch Citrus Slices Pattern

A little pattern in preparation for summer, enjoy :)
Please click images to enlarge

citrus slices free cross stitch pattern
Slices in various colours, the backstitching is in black, but
I'm sure other colours would work too :)

citrus slices free cross stitch pattern
Citrus Slice Pattern, 21x21 stitches


Tile Pattern Fifteen

Have fun :)
Please click images to enlarge

tile free hand embroidery pattern
Tile Pattern Fifteen

tile free paper cutting pattern
With contrasting background


Tile Pattern Fourteen

Enjoy :)
Please click pictures to enlarge

tile free hand embroidery pattern
Tile Pattern Fourteen

tile free paper cutting pattern
With contrasting background


Tile Pattern Thirteen

Have fun :)
Please click images to enlarge

tile free hand embroidery pattern
Tile Pattern Thirteen

tile free paper cutting pattern
With contrasting background


Cross Stitch Bear Pattern

After all those Tile Patterns I felt like doing something different and here's the result. The cheek colour and shade on the floor are optional. If you would like to add these, the easiest way would probably be to use either coloured pencil or apply some pastels powder with a cotton bud. However, I would recommend to try it out on some scraps of cross stitch first...
Have fun :)
Please click images to enlarge

bear free cross stitch pattern
Cross Stitch Bear

bear free cross stitch pattern
Pattern, 22 stitches wide and 44 stitches high

bear free cross stitch pattern
Use any colour you like! :)


Tile Pattern Twelve

Have fun :)
Please click pictures to enlarge

tile free hand embroidery pattern
Tile Pattern Twelve

tile free paper cutting pattern
With contrasting background


Tile Pattern Eleven

Enjoy :)
Please click images to enlarge

tile free hand embroidery pattern
Tile Pattern Eleven

tile free paper cutting pattern
With contrasting background


Tile Pattern 10 & 10.1

Two more simple tile patterns. Enjoy :)
Please click images to enlarge

tile free hand embroidery pattern
Tile Pattern 10

tile free hand embroidery pattern
Tile Pattern 10.1

tile free paper cutting pattern
With contrasting backgrounds


Tile Pattern Nine

Looks a bit like a geranium, I guess? Have fun :)
Please click pictures to enlarge

tile geranium free hand embroidery pattern
Tile Pattern Nine

tile geranium free paper cutting pattern
With coloured background for contrast


Mosaic Flower Pattern

As usual I couldn't decide which one I liked so I'm posting pictures of all the ones I made. Enjoy :)
Please click images to enlarge

mosaic flower free hand embroidery pattern
Mosaic Flower Pattern, size Fluffy

mosaic flower free hand embroidery pattern
Mosaic Flower Pattern, size Regular

mosaic flower free hand embroidery pattern
Mosaic Flower Pattern, size Slender

mosaic flower free hand embroidery pattern
Mosaic Flower Pattern, size Minus Two...

mosaic flower free paper cutting pattern
With contrasting background


Tile Pattern Eight and Variations

The post title says it all really so have fun :)
Please click images to enlarge

tile free hand embroidery pattern
Tile Pattern Eight

tile free paper cutting pattern
Example in contrasting colours

border circles free hand embroidery pattern
Tile Pattern Seven as a border (the dotted lines can be used to make it smaller or larger)

border circles free paper cutting pattern
Example in contrasting colours

rectangle circles free hand embroidery pattern
Variation on Tile Pattern Seven

rectangle circles free paper cutting pattern
Example in colour

tile free hand embroidery pattern
Tile Pattern Seven done in single line

rectangle circles free hand embroidery pattern
Variation in single line