

Spirographic 1.2

This is the last pattern made using the previous ones, but again, taken a few steps further. Please click image for a larger picture. Enjoy :)

spirograph free embroidery pattern


Spirographic 1.1

This embroidery pattern is basically the previous one, but taken a few steps further. Please click the picture to zoom. Have fun :)

spirograph free embroidery pattern



A free-hand embroidery pattern, made using Inkscape. It is one continuous line, but it's rather hard to follow it, so just embroider it in whatever way works best for you. If you'd like a bigger image, please click the picture. Enjoy :)

spirograph free embroidery pattern


More free-hand embroidery

A few free-hand embroidery designs, made using Inkscape. Each pattern consists of only one, continuous line. I hope you can find a use for them :)
Please click images to zoom.

spirograph free embroidery pattern

spirograph free embroidery pattern
spirograph free embroidery pattern
spirograph free embroidery pattern
spirograph free embroidery pattern


Free(-hand) Flower

Another free-hand embroidery design done in Inkscape. Have fun :)
For a larger image, please click the picture.

flower free embroidery pattern
This pattern consists of one continuous line


I love Inkscape!

I was fiddling with Inkscape and I noticed it's really easy to make simple designs for free-hand embroidery patterns with it. Something like a back stitch or stem stitch would probably work best. Have fun :)
Please click pictures to zoom.
free embroidery pattern
The whole pattern is actually one continuous line!

I hope the following pictures will help make things clearer: the black dot is the starting point and from there you just follow the arrows and numbers. The first example is worked from left to right, and the next one from right to left, depending on your preference and the type of stitch you want to use.

free embroidery pattern
Follow the numbers and arrows from left to right

free embroidery pattern
Follow the numbers and arrows from right to left


A bit fishy...

A cross-stitch pattern that sort of resembles fish scales, with some variations. Please click the pictures for larger images.
Enjoy :)

  fish scales free cross stitch pattern
      One "scale", 11 stitches wide and 13 stitches high
fish scales free cross stitch pattern
Pattern for single scale

           fish scales free cross stitch pattern
                                 Multiple scales
                         fish scales free cross stitch pattern
                                Pattern for multiple scales

fish scales free cross stitch pattern
Variations 1 (top row) and 2 (bottom row)

                          fish scales free cross stitch pattern
                              Pattern Variation 1
fish scales free cross stitch pattern
Pattern Variation 2


Cross-stitch borders

A simple border design in cross stitch, one small and one larger, with variations. Have fun :)
Please click pictures to zoom.

border free cross stitch pattern
17 stitches high

border free cross stitch pattern
Pattern for small border, plus variations

border free cross stitch pattern
21 stitches high

border free cross stitch pattern
Pattern for larger border, plus variations


Be still my heart...

For anyone who's in love and wants the world to know, five simple cross-stitch hearts. Enjoy :)
For larger images please click the pictures

heart free cross stitch pattern
15 stitches wide, 12 stitches high
heart free cross stitch pattern
Pattern for Heart 1

heart free cross stitch pattern
15 stitches wide, 12 stitches high
heart free cross stitch pattern
Pattern for Heart 2

heart free cross stitch pattern
13 stitches wide, 9 stitches high
heart free cross stitch pattern
Pattern for Heart 3

heart free cross stitch pattern
13 stitches wide, 10 stitches high
heart free cross stitch pattern
Pattern for Heart 4

heart free cross stitch pattern
13 stitches wide, 10 stitches high
heart free cross stitch pattern
Pattern for Heart 5



A flower-like cross-stitch pattern and a "variation on the theme". Please click pictures for larger images. Have fun with them :)

flower free cross stitch pattern
21x21 stitches
flower free cross stitch pattern
Pattern for single element
flower free cross stitch pattern
Multiple elements
flower free cross stitch pattern
Pattern for Multiple elements
flower free cross stitch pattern
flower free cross stitch pattern
Pattern for Variation


Bunch of flowers

A cross-stitch pattern with a floral feel to it, enjoy :)
flower free cross stitch pattern
23x23 stitches
flower free cross stitch pattern
Pattern for single component (click to zoom)

 flower free cross stitch pattern
Multiple components
flower free cross stitch pattern
Pattern for Multiple Components (click to zoom)

flower free cross stitch pattern
flower free cross stitch pattern
Pattern for Variation (click to zoom)


A bit cross...

Another easy-to-expand-to-fit-your-needs cross-stitch pattern, plus one variation. Please click pictures to zoom.
Have fun :)

free cross stitch pattern
23x23 stitches 
free cross stitch pattern
Just repeat the pattern to get the desired size
free cross stitch pattern
Actual pattern for single component

free cross stitch pattern
Actual pattern for multiple components
free cross stitch pattern

free cross stitch pattern
Variation Multiplied
free cross stitch pattern
Actual pattern Variation    

                          free cross stitch pattern
                         Actual pattern for Variation Multiplied